|p1)[We have reached our goal!]
(if: $var > 0)[(print: $var)]
(if: $var > 3)[(show: ?p1)]Begin
A passage about [a boy]<boy| going on an adventure.
|p2)[The adventure was (link: "good")[(replace: ?p2)[$pp2](show: ?goodMore)] or maybe it was (link: "bad")[(replace: ?p2)[$pp2](show: ?badMore)]]
|goodMore)[It was very good]|badMore)[It was very bad]
(click: ?var)[(set: $var = $var + 1)(replace: ?var)["Var was set"]]
(click: ?boy)[(show: ?p2)]
(set: $pp2 to "The adventure was good or maybe it was bad")
<!--|p2)[The adventure was [good]<good| or maybe it was [bad]<bad|]-->
<!--|p2)[The adventure was (link: "good")[(show: ?goodMore)good] or maybe it was (link: "bad")[(show: ?badMore)bad]]-->
<!--(click: ?good)[(show: ?goodMore)(replace: ?bad)[bad]]
(click: ?bad)[(show: ?badMore)(replace: ?good)["good"]]-->
<!--(click-replace: ?good)[(show: ?goodMore)good(replace: ?bad)[(print: "bad")]]
(click-replace: ?bad)[(show: ?badMore)bad]-->(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[=
(text-size: 2.0)[Simulacub - Field Training]
(text-size: 0.8)[//A Story by: (link:"NeoPatamonX")[(goto-url:"https://www.inkbunny.net/NeoPatamonX")]//]
//In a fantasy world full of adventurers, a special guild gives opportunities to youths to kickstart their adventuring careers. You're a veteran of this guild, and have been asked to meet with the headmaster of this guild which you've given your services to all your adult life.//
(link-style: (text-size: 0.8))[(link: "//Reveal Content Warnings//")[(show: ?cw)//Content Warnings//]]
(text-size: 0.8)|cw)[//age difference, underage, non-con, homosexuality, group sex//]
[[Begin Story|WorldBuilding]]
(text-size: 0.6)[|endings)[Endings Reached:
(if: $endedOnce is true)[(show: ?endings)]
(set: $moralityEnd to "????")
(set: $goodEnd to "????")
(set: $usanEnd to "????")
(set: $bryceEnd to "????")
(set: $escapeEnd to "????")
(set: $succumbEnd to "????")The Wilds. Creatures and fiends roam the most dangerous lands that border Kallin where only the most battle hardened veterans can hope to return from. The country keeps a long arm from these Wilds, adorning the outskirts with various fortresses and battlements to keep her fairlands safe - home to many career adventurers that look to prove their mettle. The call to protect her lands never grows deaf, culture around adventurers singing of their heroics and offering the potential for a comfortable retirement.
Coming of age doesn’t mean you’re thrown into the Wilds to start your career; most adventurers require a level of experience lest fools forfeit their lives. Many walks of life are welcome to find their own path into adventuring, made possible by the vast coffers available to the goal of keeping the Wilds at bay. Even thieves guilds and brigands can claim some of the king’s coin with enough supervision. There’s plenty of intrigue to discuss amongst the economics and politics of Kallin’s protection, however, this story focuses on a particular guild housed within the walls of the Kingdom of Balisk - The Royal Adventurer Guild.
Balisk lies in the fairlands of Kallin, a week’s travel away from the Wild’s influence. Many affluent bloodlines reside within its walls. The nobility sit towering over its sprawling metropolis housing one of the largest populous - which welcomes its host of prosperity and poverty alike. The Royal Adventurer Guild sits near the Noble Quarter, founded by some of Balisk’s original defenders. Generations tend to erode any true endeavor, though the guild’s mission still stands strong at providing the opportunity for all walks of life to join arms in defense of Kallin’s vast territory.
[[Where do I fit in all this?|MCIntro]][(align:"=><=")+(box:"=X=")[Name our Hero](input: bind $mc, "=X=", "Teck")]<mcInput|(link: "Enter", (button: "=X="))[(hide: ?mcInput) (show: ?mcPassage, ?mcPassage2)]
|mcPassage)[You are $mc, veteran of The Royal Adventurer Guild. You’ve fought alongside some of the best defenders of Kallin, which has earned you a lot of respect and responsibility alike. You’ve bled, cried and slain for the safety of countless faces, plenty enough to earn you a happy retirement - however your sense of duty prevents you from seeking such comforts. That’s why when the Guildmaster Nyris seeked private audience with you, you felt a sense of excitement and dread. (link: "Was there a fortress that needed support?")[(show: ?mcFortress)] (link: "Could one of the brigand troupes need a stern reminder to behave?")[(show: ?mcBrigands)] (link: "Were you going to be forced to retire?")[(show: ?mcRetire)]
The thoughts raced through your head as you walked the historic stonework, each step echoing through the vast halls of the cathedral-like passage to Nyris’ chambers. You could decide which fate was worse…]
|mcFortress)[The Wilds have claimed many of the structures built to try and keep it at bay, as well as many comrades… It’s been almost a full year since one has fallen - at least to your knowledge - no - Nyris wouldn’t keep secrets from you…]
|mcBrigands)[Every walk of life could lay claim to the never ending war against those monstrous fiends, though sometimes you wondered if it was worth the domestic disputes. Sometimes, the brutes brazen enough to roam in and out of The Wilds to claim some of the king’s coin take it upon themselves to write their own laws…]
|mcRetire)[It has been nearly a decade since you started your career as an adventurer. You’ve noticed hints from Nyris to simply hang up your blade, but the fire in your heart still burns too well. Something both you and the Guild cannot deny…]
|mcPassage2)[Punctual as ever, you knock on the chamber’s door, echoing through the vast hallway.
[[Footsteps approach you|Charm]]]
The sun beamed into the large hallway, the seemingly ancient door aches open as the familiar face smiles at you. Nyris was dressed in his Guild’s best, the kitsune’s face adorned with that signature smile that masked anything.
“$mc, as punctual as ever. We have much to discuss”
You followed right behind him, closing the door behind you. You notice that you two were alone for this meeting; maybe this was serious…
“You’ve been with the guild for a very long time $mc, what has it been, almost 10 years?”
//Oh no.. it’s actually happening…//
“Next month, sir… But I assure you –”
Nyris cut you off, you could swear that smile grew wider, “Please, $mc, you know I wouldn’t force you out of the service. While I do worry about you sometimes, I cannot deny you’ve proven yourself time and time again… Which is why you’re the perfect candidate for our new… //mentorship// program…”
You weren’t sure if you should be more or less concerned, as the Guildmaster produced a small wooden box. Wasting no time, Nyris opened it, facing $mc and revealing a strange necklace charm. It was on a tarnished silver chain, holding a strange teal colored pendant. If you’d have seen this in the marketplace you’d expect its shady dealer to be spinning you an outlandish tale of how this trinket could solve all your problems.
“Don’t be fooled by its appearance, this treasure is cursed… It was brought to us from deep within The Wilds, and it’s going to be the focus of your next assignment - if you choose to accept it.”
“Cursed?... Isn’t that…”, you couldn’t believe your ears
“All necessary channels are aware, and the curse is only bound to you for a fortnight - then you can simply remove the pendant and I assure you you’ll be changed back…”
“Changed?! Nyris… (link: "What schemes are you trying to get me involved with now?”")[(show: ?nyrisExtra)What schemes are you trying to get me involved with now?”]
|nyrisExtra)[This wouldn’t be the first time this kitsune would try and rope you into something seedy… You suppose his cunning is what keeps the Guild above most politics to begin with…]
[[“$mc, please hear me out…” | YourMission]]Despite just how terrible this sounded to you, you couldn’t deny all the service Nyris has given to protecting Kallin. The horrors you both have seen together… You’d trust him with your life - you just hope that the recent years of leading the Guild hasn’t changed your friend too much.
“$mc, as you know, the Guild is always looking for new vectors to recruit new members to help protect our fairlands… Despite years of fending off those foul beasts, we find ourselves needing more and more bodies. Adventurers are also getting more and more expensive, so sending them to handle domestic affairs is growing to be too costly…”
Somehow, you knew this was going to get political…
“We’ve started a new program. $mc, you’re going to be on the ground floor of this initiative to gather younger recruits.”
You bite your tongue… //Oh Nyris…//
“I see that look on your face $mc. We’ve taken all considerations, this was a program that was proposed many times before by nobility. They’ve been twisting my arms, holding it over the Guild’s head - surely you’ve noticed our armaments and supplies have dipped in quality. But with this charm, and your loyalty, I think this can actually be a really beneficial program.”
“Surely you don’t mean…”
Nyris set the box down, and met your gaze closer. He was so close to you now, “$mc, your party will never leave the fairlands. We want to bring opportunities to willing youths to serve the Guild for fair pay and a chance of glory, and in exchange we will get more funding from those perverts in the ivory towers.”
You shook your head, then looked at the box, “... What do I have to do with all this?”
“This charm… It regresses its wearer to a younger version of themselves. You’ll lose your strength, but you won’t lose your wits and training. This way, you can accompany the party as one of their own.”
You raised a brow at this, “And that’s necessary because…?”
“Optics… The youth shorties have to be completed by all young adventurers to both promote the program and keep the costs low – but with this magic, we can send you in and pay you under the table… $mc, I really want you there because you can ensure these kids don’t get in over their heads…”
[[You curse how much this makes sense…|YourNewCurse]]
[[This is just too much...|MoralityEnd]]
It felt embarrassing to be led by the adult kitsune like some child, but that’s what you were now… You tried to keep your composure, but a bit of a flush overcame your face. It felt so weird, your body felt so light, and so much weaker – but maybe you weren’t that weak? It’s hard to gauge… But you had no choice at this rate but to trust that research…
//A fortnight of this? What have I gotten myself into?...//
You're taken across the Guild, outside through the courtyard where familiar faces look at you with various degrees of curiosity, contempt, and confusion. You started to wonder if you weren’t the only one not a fan of this youth program… Though you remember that this program wasn’t even public yet. Just how is this going to pan out?
Nyris opens the door to one of the barracks, and inside there are two boys sitting on different bunks.
(link: "A gray rabbit, shy and dressed in dark leather.")[(show: ?usan)]|usan)[The first thing you’d notice is this rabbit had a history evidenced by the scar on that left eye. But too, his fur had a few patches missing, and he was remarkably thin… Where did Nyris pick this one from?]
(link: "A snow leopard, stoic and in chainmail.")[(show: ?bryce)]|bryce)[A broadsword, chainmail, and at such an age? This feline came from a place of nobility - then what in Kallin was he doing roped into Guild affairs? Nyris did mention the politics behind this new program, maybe kids like these were being sent to garner clout amongst the nobles?]
“Usan, Bryce, meet your mission lead. His name is $mc, and he’s part of the same program you two have been inducted to. I expect you both to take his lead on this mission without question - it’s important that you both demonstrate your loyalty to the Guild.”
Usan, the rabbit. Bryce, the snow leopard. These two were going to be your party… You step forward, “We’ll be working together, I’ll be looking forward to what you two… what we can achieve together” – that’s right, you’ve no rank. You wonder if you caught your tone…
“N… Nice to meet you, $mc”, Usan was the first to reply. The rabbit seemed relieved to see you. The young armored feline however just seemed to almost glare at you, as if he was trying to peer into your soul.
Bryce’s glare focused back on Nyris now “... Isn’t that the name of one of your veteran soldiers?”
“Yes.” the kitsune replied coldly.
//Nyris… What the hell? If he knew nobility was involved, we should have faked my name…//
Usan looked nervous between everyone else, as you began to wonder what to say next; but luckily the kitsune broke up the tension a moment later. You felt your heart race a bit – you might have all your knowledge and experience, but your resolve seems to have taken a hit alongside your stature.
Nyris produced a scroll. You knew it was a guild missive, surely the details of what the three of you were going to be up to, “I want the three of you to infiltrate a cave in the Southeast fairlands. It's come to our attention that a band of goblins have taken residence, and have been planning an attack on the hamlets and pastures in the area.
You three are the first representatives of The Guild Junior Taskforce. If this mission is successful, expect to be called on again soon. The Guild’s call never ends.” as he gave this grandiose speech, (link: "the scroll was undone and shown to the young trope.")[(show: ?scroll)the scroll was undone and shown to the young trope.]
|scroll)[The contents of the scroll included a map of Balisk and the fairlands, and an indication on the cave they were seeking. There were names of witnesses and their locations were outlined as well. Additionally, there were sketches of the goblins, weapons they found nearby, and a mission statement. The party was to [[infiltrate the goblin barracks and retrieve their battle plans, and set fire to the barracks itself.|AcceptMission]]]
The morality battles in your head, and how stupid you'd have to be to go through with this… If it was anyone else asking this of you, heads would roll.
“Nyris… I don’t know if I can accept these terms…”
The kitsune paused for a few moments, then turned around.
“$mc, I understand. This was asking a lot of you. I will protect you from doing something you cannot condone. I couldn’t risk your doubt anyway, so I’m glad you can be honest with me. Just promise me one thing…”
“What is it?” It’s been a while since you heard your friend’s tone be so dark…
“Keep your trust in the Guild, and don’t speak of this meeting with anyone.”
“For you my friend, I can do that…”
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Morality End
//You simply couldn’t bring yourself to become subject to such a plot. You didn’t hear much about this youth program going forward, Kyris is still fighting off the Nobles… Either way, upon your 10th anniversary, you decide to ease your friend’s mind for good by retiring into a good life.//]
(set: $endedOnce to true, $moralityEnd to "Morally Opposed")
[[Start Again|Begin]]The morality battles in your head, and how stupid you must be to think this is acceptable… If it was anyone else asking this of you, heads would roll.
“You’re certain the curse isn’t… permanent.”
Nyris opens the box again, “We believe this fel magic was designed to allow agents to infiltrate under the disguise of a youth. I’ve tested this item personally under our research wing, and everyone who underwent the trials returned to their former selves.”
You let out an exasperated sigh, and put your hand out, “I don’t like this… but I trust your judgment… I know you would never ask this of me if it wasn’t important.”
The kitsune stepped real close to you, and carefully began to place the amulet over your head. “If at any point you change your mind, just let me know… I knew I could count on you $mc”
(link:"You feel the silver chain against your fur…")[(show: ?p2)]
|p2)[Your mind races, the fel magic coursing through your veins. The sensation seized your body, enrapturing you as decades of physical exertion and injury evaporate; at the cost of strength, and stature. You felt a youthful vigor overcome you as your form regresses, your clothes were ridiculous on you now, modesty only held in place by your tunic dwarfing your figure like an oversized shirt. All your belongings fell to the ground in unceremonious thuds – finally, your body felt yours again.
Immediately, you begin to realize you were just one piece of garment away from exposing yourself to Nyris. The towering kitsune was bending down to hand you a set of new clothes.
“I tried to find something similar to your normal style, hehe…” As you took the pile of clothes, Nyris caught himself staring and turned around to give you a semblance of privacy. You pull your new undergarments and pants up first, before disrobing your adult tunic for your new top - you couldn’t help but notice how… form fitting everything was.
“I’m decent… Though I could have used a better fit.”
Nyris turned around, smiling wider, “Nonsense, you look ready for combat! Now, let’s waste no more time… It's time to meet your new companions. Remember, you’re a new guild member just like them, but I’ve made it clear that you’ve been selected to lead them.”
[[With that, the kitsune took your hand and led you out his chambers…|YourParty]]]// More to come! //
Simulacub - Field Training
A Story by: NeoPatamonX
In a fantasy world full of adventurers, a special guild gives opportunities to youths to kickstart their adventuring careers. You're a veteran of this guild, and have been asked to meet with the headmaster of this guild which you've given your services to all your adult life.
Reveal Content Warnings
Begin Story